robert guthrie

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welcome to my page of music

Welcome to my page of music. please feel free to enjoy it

Double Bass
~ 19 mins

it was written in 2024 for my masters. it should last just shy of 20 minutes (ish) and is for the solo double bass.
it uses some experimental notations and extended techniques which are quite interesting.
if you play the double bass, and like making funny noises on it, please have a look :)

String Quartet
Undetermined duration (perhaps 10-15 mins or indefinitely longer)

strrr4 is a string quartet which uses mobile form and indeterminate notations of a few kinds. The principle idea behind the composition came from thinking about the progression of serialism, its structures and their uses through the 20th Century as composers used it increasingly totalitarianly in terms of their generation and treatment of musical materials. (thinking about total and post-serial composers employing these ideas: Messiaen's mode de valeurs...; Boulez' or later Ferneyhough's chord permutations and multiplications; Takemitsu's more indulgent yet strictly structured manupulations of harmonic material.)
Anyway, in strrr4 I took this whole idea of intricate numerical structures a layer deeper - beyond the treatment of musical parameters and into the digital structures of the files displaying the score on screen.
It was basically a very long datamoshing process to corrupt the file, thus creating some interesting graphic/indeterminate features in the notation.
I can explain more to you about the process and how it came to be this mobile form if you are interested but won't jam up this page any more with waffle.

A Breath or Two
Chamber Orchestra -
3 minutes

Open Orchestration
Open Duration

A Kill
2 Double Basses + Percussion (suspended cymbal, crotales)
3 minutes

Chamber Orchestra - 1.0.1(bcl).1/
14 minutes